Jérémy Guez is starting a PhD with Musée de l'Homme (National Museum of natural history, Paris) and our lab (LRI) on TransIA a project for Infering Cultural Transmission of Reproductive Success using Genomic Data.

Joint work with Evelyne Heyer, Fréderic Austerlitz, Romain Laurent, Bruno Toupance from the Eco-anthropology department (MNHN). Funded by CNRS 80PRIME.
Nicolas Zimmermann joined the lab part time and is currently working on demographic inference for human populations using Approximate Bayesian Computation and Random Forest methodologies. He is doing his M1 internship under the supervision of Frédéric Austerlitz (MNHN) and myself.
Join us for the PASADENA workshop (GT Digicosme) on Friday, February 15th
    Chloé-Agathe Azencott,CBIO, Mines ParisTech/Institut Curie/INSERM
    Romain Brault, Thalès
    Julien Chiquet, AgroParisTech/INRA MIA Paris
    Chloé Clavel, LTCI, Telecom-ParisTech
    Stanley Durrleman, Aramis Lab, ICM
    Joseph Salmon, Université de Montpellier 

Program and information
Burak Yelmen is visiting from the Institute of Genomics (Estonian Biocentre, University of Tartu, Estonia). He will stay for 2 months and a half and collaborate on deep learning methods for population genetics.