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statistic and machine learning methods applied to population genetics inference
Some news about the lab members
I have been slacking on the news section lately, so let me introduce who is currently in the lab and give some news of everyone.
Antoine Szatkownik is doing a joint PhD in the bioinfo and the machine learning TAU teams of LISN. He's working on designing novel methods for artificial genome generation and their evaluation. This project was started by Burak Yelmen during his PhD in Estonia. He later came to our lab for two years and has now secured a position in the institute of Genomics back in Tartu, Estonia (congrats!). So we are all working on this project with Burak, Antoine, Guillaume Charpiat, Cyril Furtlehner and Aurélien Decelle.
Arnaud Quelin is doing a joint PhD in the bionfo team at LISN and Musée de l'Homme on testing and designing machine learning and deep learning tools for inferring multi-population demographic history. He had started as an intern in the lab to collaborate on our project on Cultural transmission of reproductive success - together with Frédéric Austerlitz, Jérémy Guez, Ferdinand Petit, Fanny Pouyet (who is an assistant Professor in the lab), Evelyne Heyer and Bruno Toupance.
Léo Planche is doing a postdoc on the HFSP project that focuses on the evolutionary history of Mexico, a joint project with Emilia Huerta-Sanchez (U Brown, USA) and Maria Avila-Arcos (UNAM, Mexico). He's currently developping tools for local ancestry inference and digging out Neandertal and Denisovan genetic material in modern and ancient human genomes. A project that started in SE University (Russia) with Vladimir Shchur.
Théo Boury was in the lab for a master internship on the use of large language models for paleogenetics and he is now doing a PhD with Yann Ponty at LIX.
Finally, they are not in my lab but I am happily collaborating with Bogdan Iorga (DR CNRS), Elsa Denepko (PhD student at ICSN) and Nicolas Dias (Master student), all at ICSN (CNRS, U Paris-Saclay) on the development of tools for predicting antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
Where are they now?
Burak Yelmen has a position in the institute of Genomics back in Tartu, Estonia.
Jean Cury is now a CNRS researcher at Institute Pasteur.
Jérémy Guez is a postoc in Karczewski Lab at ATGU and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.
Théophile Sanchez is a postdoc in WSL and ETH Zurich.
Federica Pierini is a postdoc at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
If you want to know more about them you can find their homepage: People